Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Life's Still Kinda Crazy, but DE-Cluttering is Happening.

Jae's Home Office De-Cluttering Journey ~ Part 3

Alright, I admit it. I goofed off. That's why there was no de-cluttering update posted last Friday. Last week was completely filled; a big de-cluttering job for a client on Monday, and then on Tuesday . . .

Hold on!
Wait a minute!
What am I saying?

I have not been goofing off.

Last week was a crazy week, but I still managed to do at least one thing toward de-cluttering my home office everyday. Except Friday (which is the day I usually write to you). So, what did I do on Friday instead of writing?

I took care of myself.
By sitting on a lake-side dock with this view.

My dear friend, Leslie, called me on Tuesday to see if I would like to go with her on Friday to Lake George for a micro-vacation in the Adirondacks. Considering how exhausted and achy my body felt at that moment, I had to say yes. I still had a big meeting ahead of me on Thursday, but I decided that for my own physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing, Friday had to be a day of relaxation and replenishing.

So, we sat by the lake.
And we sat in this screen house with lake views
like this one all around us.

And we relaxed, and we laughed, and we did a bunch of astrology charts, and just caught up on each others' thoughts and feelings, and hopes and ideas. So, when I returned home late that night, I felt revitalized and renewed.

And, since I was once again able to think clearly and move without aching, I could face my busy weekend and then return to my de-cluttering project with renewed energy and creative ideas.

Let's look at how I've been doing on some of the goals I set for myself last time.

Goal One
Open up three shelves worth of bookcase space.

I have managed to box up four shelves worth of books to be donated or sold. In doing so I was able to switch a four-shelf bookcase with this three-shelf bookcase.

Now, the top shelf of the lower bookcase can be used as an end-table for a visitor to set a drink on. And the lamp will now cast a closer and brighter light for reading.

You are probably wondering what happened to the four-shelf bookcase. More on that later.

Goal Two
Reclaim 24 inches of filing space by
sorting through my filing drawers and
purging any papers that are
no longer necessary.

We started this last time. Since then, I have sorted through everything that was inside all but one of my file drawers. I have reclaimed about 22 inches of filing space. The last drawer is my archived financial records. I doubt I can throw out anything in that draw, but I can condense the space through changing the way I store the files. I'm still hoping to be able to get those last 2 inches of reclaimed space. After all, I'll need it for my 2008 files.

Goal Three
Re-file and re-store things in different ways,
Binders and Decorative Hidden Storage solutions.

Binders: In going through all of my papers and getting rid of things that I no longer need or will use, I have reclaimed a whole pile of hanging files and empty binders ~ both 1 inch and 1.5 inch sizes.

I will be able to use these binders to organize papers with like-information and then store the binders in my file cabinets. So part one of Goal Three still needs to be completed.

Decorative Hidden Storage: This part of goal three is complete. When we left off last time, I was just opening my office closet to reveal a pile of plastic storage drawers that were filled with stuff ~ both paper filing and fabric (I'm also a “craft” person).

After my purging extravaganza, I realized that much of the filing in here was of the archival type; that is, things that I need to keep, but will rarely access.

So, I turned to this hidden storage place.

The table is a fiberboard, screw-together accent piece. The box of my artwork on the floor is something I already had plans to reorganize anyway. The wooden box on the shelf holds my collection of tarot cards. This box is decorative enough to be out in the open if necessary. Taking all of this into account, I decided that this hidden, narrow hiding
place could be easily transformed into this.

I took one of the two plastic files cabinets from the closet. Then, all I had to do was take apart the table and place the tabletop on the file drawers. With the tablecloth and knick-knacks back in place, presto ~ hidden decorative storage space. AND, this also frees up space in the closet ... 25 inches of vertical space to be exact.

Not a bad outcome for 15 minutes of work.

So, that ends the report on my accomplishments as we reach two and a-half weeks into my De-Cluttering Project.

Oh, wait a minute ... the four-shelf bookcase that I moved. I almost forgot. Here it is ~ in full view to the right of my desk, and smack in my face whenever I turn to exit this room.

On the shelves and in front of the bookcase are big boxes, and more boxes, of things to sort through. Those small storage boxes remind me to free up more bookcase space. Once this bookcase is empty, it will be going to my office where I see clients. Ah-ha! More free floor space here!

Having to look at this “organized mess” each time I get up to leave my office will encourage me ~ okay, guilt me ~ into grabbing a box, taking it into my bedroom, and to start sorting. I have gotten very good at watching mindless TV and sorting at the same time.

So, that's really the end of my update. I'm hoping to be back on schedule next week.

Meanwhile, a few things for you to ponder.


Life is crazy with lots of “absolutely-have-to” appointments.
But you are feeling tired and achy
... you're on overload ...

A close friend unexpectedly calls
and invites you to take a micro-vacation.

What do you say?

What have you done to take care of you today?

Right now, take a moment to imagine
something you would really like to do.

It can be as simple as
sitting down in a comfortable chair with a cup of tea.

How about calling a friend to invite them to go sit by a lake?

Who would you call?

Go on, call your friend right now and set a date.

It's okay.
You'll accomplish so much more after you've replenished yourself.

Peace & Light,

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